Richmond BridgePark featured in Architect’s Newspaper Architect's Newspaper
September 11th, 2018
The article includes this quote from Spatial Affairs Bureau creative director, Peter Culley:
“We are at a very exciting stage in what is an appropriately ambitious project taking its place as part of Richmond’s impressive renaissance as a river city with important histories now ready to be reexamined… As cars begin to take a second place in our cities, human stories and experiences can appropriately move up to the front of the line.”
Thank you to Architect’s Newspaper for featuring the Richmond BridgePark project so prominently.
Read the Richmond BridgePark article in Architect’s Newspaper.
Peter Culley interviewed by Josh Cooperman as part of the Los Angeles Design Festival Convo By Design Podcast
September 11th, 2018
As part of the Los Angeles Design Festival, Peter Culley was interviewed by Josh Cooperman for his design-related podcast. The discussion ranged from an individual’s home in the workplace world, to the relationships between evolving ‘non-imperial’ cities like Los Angeles and Memphis, Tennessee.
Listen to the podcast which also features a discussion with Los Angeles architect Lorcan O’Herlihy.
Spatial Affairs Bureau and Feral Office, LA Design Festival Not-to-miss List Architect’s Newspaper
June 8th, 2018
Read the full article at the Architect’s Newspaper.
Spatial Affairs Bureau featured in LA Design Festival Highlights Los Angeles Times
May 24th, 2018
Read the full ‘LA Design Festival Highlights’ article on the Los Angeles Times
Spatial Affairs’ Richmond BridgePark plan featured in ‘Sublime Oases: Parks on Stilts’ Baunetzwoche
August 21st, 2016
Focussing on 5 leading light projects from Europe and the US, this edition of BaunetzWoche, by Bettina Krause, reviews the developing ‘bridge-park’ typology as a future-cities strategy.