Metropolitan Museum Site Furnishings


Peter Culley - Principle Designer
Andrew Montgomery - Senior Designer / Project Manager

  • 1/ jumbo custom parasols anchor the north and south wings of the 5th Avenue facade

  • 1/ jumbo custom parasols and stone benches

  • 1/ jumbo custom parasols anchor the north and south wings of the 5th Avenue facade

  • 1/ custon monolithic stone bench

  • 1/ bronze-clad information and refreshment kiosks

  • 1/ bronze-clad café kiosk

  • 1/ north guard booth in bronze

  • 1/ paraols hold down north and south wings along 5th Avenue

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Site furnishing as part of our role as architectural consultant to Olin’s Metropolitan Museum of Art Plaza Redesign Project, in conjunction with Rick Mather USA inc.


Peter Culley - Principle Designer
Andrew Montgomery - Senior Designer / Project Manager